Reduce Fleet Idling This Summer with GPS Commander

State and municipal government authorities throughout the U.S. have begun implementing idling regulations which, if violated, carry hefty fines – varying from $300 to as much as $1,000 or more, depending on the State or municipality. On the environmental front, these new laws are finding widespread acceptance as a means of reducing emissions and fuel consumption, thereby reducing greenhouse gasses.

Perhaps even more notably, given today’s economy, the laws are gaining corporate favor, due to the operational efficiency gains that result for transportation providers. Essentially, these laws make it easier for fleet operators to implement and enforce behavioral changes that benefit the bottom line, while improving their environmental footprint –truly a win/win result for all concerned.

Consider this your momentary reflection. We must understand the crippling effects of excessive vehicle idling, as environmental pressures and escalating fuel prices demand that fleet managers cover all the bases.

Last week we gave you tips for controlling driver success, which in turn promotes success for your entire fleet operation. You can apply this philosophy to your strategy for reducing vehicle idling: start with driver success.

Reducing fleet idling has several benefits:

-Greater fuel economy. A article reports, “Excessive idling can add as much as 50% to your fuel costs and shorten the life of engine oil by 75%, adding even more costs.” Your company pays for the fuel being burned while idling. Implementing new driver guidelines for reduced idling puts more money in your fleet operation’s pocket.

-Lower carbon dioxide emissions. Our current environmental status demands that every fleet manager reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In New York City alone, idling cars and trucks produce 130 000 tons of carbon dioxide every year ( The greenhouse gases emitted by idling vehicles contribute to climate change. Our vehicles have the power to influence the future environmental conditions of the planet.

-Longer periods between engine rebuilds. With less idling, carbon deposits and unburned fuel residues in the engine takes longer to accumulate. Your fleet vehicle spark plugs, fuel injectors, piston crowns, and valve seats will require less maintenance (FleetSmart-Idling Gets You Nowhere).

Bottom line: improved cost control.
The GPS Commander tracking system is designed to draw the attention of fleet supervisors to idling events, commencing with dynamic vehicle icons that change in real time to indicate when a vehicle is idling. On-screen pop-up alerts can be configured to draw further attention to the inefficiencies of idling, allowing for a timely response and to ensure driver awareness.

You can monitor driver idling habits from any accessible Internet browser. Email notifications and idling reports keep you in control, and make exception-based driver training a simple process.

When you can track where your drivers have kept their engines running, and for how long, you give your business a cost-cutting advantage over your competitors. We know that increased fuel economy and green fleet initiatives are priorities for current-day fleet managers. Let’s utilize every benefit that GPS tracking solutions provide.

Idling in loading docks, idling to keep the cab warm or cool while stopping to eat, and idling for excessive periods of time during pick ups and deliveries, is excessive idling you can eliminate this summer. Include GPS tracking solutions in your strategy to monitor your drivers’ habits, and empower them to make the right choices.

Sometimes we need to stop and look around. But we always get moving again. This momentary idle is over. Let’s drive!


“Attention drivers! Turn off your idling engines.” Environmental Defense Fund.

G, Armand. “5 Ways Fleet Management Can Cut Fuel Costs.” 21 February 2011.

“Idling Gets You Nowhere.” FleetSmart. Natural Resources Canada, 2006.


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