GPS In the News

GPS Tracking is making news all over the country and everyone is using it, from fleet managers here at GPS Commander to average drivers and families. Here is our top 5 GPS uses making headlines this week:

  1. Deer tracking. In California, wildlife officials are tracking deer and their traveling patterns hoping to prevent crashes between deer and motorists. Officials are outfitting the deer with special GPS enabled collars that will enable them to track their traveling patterns. Based on the findings, transportation officials could decide to add a new underpass or change the existing ones.
  2. Bus Passengers. Transit passengers in Washington state will soon be able to find out exactly when their bus will be rolling up. The city of Pullman is installing an Automated Vehicle Locator to allow passengers to track the buses in real-time from online or by their phone.
  3. In order to prevent the thefts of the baby Jesus and other figures in Nativity scenes, churches and other organizations are outfitting the figures with GPS devices. Now, they’ll be able to track down their stolen items and catch the thieves red-handed.
  4. Snow Plows: GPS outfitted snow plows are clearing the way for better and timelier travel. In Michigan, residents in one city are able to log onto the computer and through a live GPS tracking system, find out where the snow plows are exactly, which roads are plowed and how long it’ll be until they get to their area.
  5. Alzheimer’s Patients: GPS-tracking units are now being outfitted in shoes to prevent Alzheimer’s patients from wandering off. The units send a signal to a central monitoring system to track a patient’s exact location.

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